• 6 Types and Uses of Injection Molding Gates Aug 17, 2023
    As the connecting area between the runner and the cavity, the gate plays a vital role in the injection molding process. Gates-their style and where they are placed can affect the overall cycle time, the cost of the mold, and the appearance of a molded part. Therefore, it is important to know how to use the gate before starting an injection molding project.     This Blog looks at the six most common gate types used in plastic injection molding: side gates, tab gates, direct gates, hot gates, pin gates, and sub-gates. It looks at the properties of these unique gate styles and provides suggestions when to best use them. 1. What is a Gate? Molten plastic material is injected into a mold cavity, causing the material to solidify and form a product. This process involves passing molten plastic through gates and runners until it is able to reach the gate, which opens up an opening that allows the molten plastic to enter the mold cavity. Not all gates are the same. Gates can be locate...
  • WHAT IS CNC TURNING? Aug 17, 2023
    CNC turning involves the use of fixed cutting tools to eliminate material from a workpiece, which is held in place by a revolving chuck. This process is particularly suited to creating parts with symmetry about their central axis, and generally results in quicker and more cost-effective production than milling.   CNC turning, or lathing, is a common technique for producing cylindrical components. However, contemporary multi-axis CNC turning centers, fitted with CNC milling tools, can now fabricate non-cylindrical parts as well. By combining the efficiency of CNC turning with the versatility of CNC milling, these systems can generate an extensive variety of rotational symmetric geometries   How do CNC Turning Machines work? 1. Producing a CAD model Design software, such as Solidworks and Autodesk Fusion 360, is used by engineers and machinists to produce a CAD model of their specific components.   2. Convert CAD model for CNC machine The CAD model is then imported into th...
  • Hot runner systems types of plastic injection mold Aug 25, 2023
    How the Hot Runner Systems Works The cold runner of a plastic injection mold refers to the section between the mold inlet and the gate. The molten plastic maintains its fluidity inside the runner by virtue of the injection pressure and its own heat. However, as a part of the molding material, the runner is not a product. As a result, when designing a mold, we need to consider not only the filling effects, but also the material-saving effect produced by shortening or downsizing the runner; but in actuality, it is not easy for us to have the best of both worlds. Types & Application of Hot Runners When applying the hot runner technology, the proper selection of gate type is of critical importance, because gate type directly determines the selection of hot runner components as well as manufacturing and application of molds. Therefore, the hot runner system can be classified into 3 types based on the gate type, i.e. (1) hot tip hot runner system, (2) sprue gating hot runner system and (...
  • Injection molding defects the cause and solutions Aug 25, 2023
    1, filling defect It always show uncomplete filling or edge collapse,it will dective product,waste material,labor and time.ther are many possible reason, such as nozzle temperature is too low,not enough supply,flowablity not good,injection pressure is low,the gate is too small or not right position,the mold surface is not smooth enough,nozzle is blocked,venting problem     2,flash or burr It always happen in parting line,it will increase the difficulty of machining or dishape,even defective.the possible reason such as:nozzle temperature too high,injection too much material,flowbility is very good,injection pressure too high,clamping force too small     3,sink mark It always caused by material shrink after injection molding,possible reason such as:nozzle temperature too high,resin supply not enough,shrinkage is too big,injection molding pressure too low,holding time too short,injection speed too slow,mold teperature too high,cooling time too short,the thickness of pr...
  • What Is DFM For CNC Machining Parts? Sep 05, 2024
    What Is DFM? Otherwise known as Design for Manufacturing. DFM is a process used to optimise the design of a product or part for the most efficient and cost-effective way of manufacturing. DFM is essential for ensuring that designs will function as expected and can be produced accurately and efficiently, reducing production time and cost.   PPS ’s DFM Service At PPS we offer a free DFM consultation service to help us better understand your project requirements.    5 Key Principles Of DFM The DFM process covers 5 key principles; Process, design, material, environment, compliance, and testing.   1. Manufacturing Process For DFM to be most effective you must be sure you are using the right manufacturing process for your project.   For Example… if you need to manufacture a high volume of plastic parts, it’s most likely that injection moulding will be your best option. For detailed metal parts, CNC machining is probably the most appropriate process...
  • What is Rapid Prototyping? Sep 05, 2024
    What is Rapid Prototyping? Prototyping is the process of validating the possibilities that a product will be capable of solving the problem that is required to. A prototype seems to be real enough such that potential users can interact with it and give feedback. In case the feedback given by the user about the prototype is negative, the firm is saved considerable amounts of time and money to build a product or service that won’t perform in real sense. Positive feedback, on the other hand, shows that the product concept is on point and from there; and aids in the advanced product development.    The term rapid, on the other hand, is used to mean the speed in which the prototype can be produced. Also, how fast the feedback can be collected and synthesized and also, how quickly the following iterations can go through the same process. Therefore there is a great need for teams to strike a balance between creating a prototype that looks near-real so that users can provide re...


