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What is Rapid Prototyping?

What is Rapid Prototyping?

Sep 26, 2012

What is Rapid Prototyping?

Prototyping is the process of validating the possibilities that a product will be capable of solving the problem that is required to. A prototype seems to be real enough such that potential users can interact with it and give feedback. In case the feedback given by the user about the prototype is negative, the firm is saved considerable amounts of time and money to build a product or service that won’t perform in real sense. Positive feedback, on the other hand, shows that the product concept is on point and from there; and aids in the advanced product development. 


The term rapid, on the other hand, is used to mean the speed in which the prototype can be produced. Also, how fast the feedback can be collected and synthesized and also, how quickly the following iterations can go through the same process. Therefore there is a great need for teams to strike a balance between creating a prototype that looks near-real so that users can provide real feedbacks and reactions.

The technology is useful in most  industries today and has a wide range of applications including the automotive industry, marine, aerospace and defense, robotics, energy, and consumer products.


What are the benefits of using Rapid prototyping in Product design and development?

It is one of the challenges that most product designers face, being unable to make in-house management stuff, or their client to realize how the end product will look and feel. While today there are tremendous advancements in the 3D and CAD technologies, it still a daunting task to explain the design aspects through the digital models. Therefore one must prove it in the first place.


Rapid prototyping or additive manufacturing technology has come a long way, and today its gaining popularity among manufacturers and engineering designers. It remains to be a fast and accurate way of realizing the potential of a product. This is why firms no longer do not shy away from adopting rabid prototyping technologies when coming up with their new products. It brings a high fidelity from the conceptualized product when you judge against the conventional paper prototyping. Here are some of the benefits of this technology in product design and development.


Realise the design concept

This technology allows one to realise the concepts beyond just virtual visualisation, thus making one understand the looks and feel of a design. Therefore designers can forward their ideas and apply them in the design before finalisation. The end client who won’t take anything short of realistic product design is also provided with a proof of concept


Incorporates changes instantly

With a physical model ready, you can easily incorporate changes immediately by asking your customers for feedback. There are lots of iterations needed before you finalise the design. With every iterative process, the design is further improved, and this builds confidence among the designer and consumer.


Saves costs and time

Rapid prototyping service, in manufacturing, it is cost-effective and reduces the time spent in developing patterns, molds and also eliminates the cost of bringing in specialised tools. You will use the same printing equipment and CAD software to produce various geometries. There is less materials that goes to waste as selective laser melting is pretty much used.


In conventional paper prototyping, CNC machining, the waste produced is significant, compared to rapid prototyping where it only prints only the material that’s needed to build a project.


Minimises design flaws


Additive manufacturing enables one to identify defects in the design before mass production. Materials used in additive manufacturing pretty much look like the properties and also the strength of the real product. This it is possible to execute a physical test easily. Faults and usability will be identified earlier, avoiding risks that may manifest later in the manufacturing process.



